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Your 富通学院 in 兰, MD

采购产品牙科协助,牙科卫生,医疗协助,Rad技术,和医疗帐单 & 编码

富通学院 in 兰
4351 Garden City Drive 兰多佛,马里兰州20785 (301) 459-3650


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  • 培训欧博app & Institute in 兰, MD

    FORTIS College in 兰, 马里兰 in suburban Washington, DC provides career education and training programs to people interested in entering the medical and dental career fields. 在FORTIS学院, 我们专注于通过各种证书和副学士学位课程为传统和非传统学生提供高质量的高等教育.

    富通斯学院的医疗辅助计划为学生在各种医疗机构工作做好准备,这不仅是一份充实的职业, but also among the fastest growing occupations, 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 我们经验丰富的教师将指导您完成一个全面的课程设计,教你的知识和实践技能,你需要成为一个成功的医疗助理. 我们的医疗账单和编码课程教授学生在医生办公室或医疗机构工作所需的技能和术语,以便为保险目的正确编码医疗记录.

    我们的放射技术副学士课程教授学生成为入门级放射技师所需的临床和学术技能. 放射技师在诊所进行诊断性影像学检查, 医院, 以及其他医疗设施,以帮助医生诊断疾病和治疗损伤. Job opportunities for Radiologic Technologists are projected to grow faster than average over the next decade.

    If your interest is more focused on dental health, 那么你应该考虑我们的口腔卫生或牙科助理培训欧博app. Although job responsibilities are different, both dental assistants and dental hygienists are key members of the dental health care team. 我们的职业教育课程为您提供在牙科诊所获得入门级职位所需的知识和实践技能, educational institution, public health setting and more. 

    Each of our programs are thoughtfully designed to enhance the career potential of each student. 我们的教育过程是以改变为导向的, 通过传统课堂教学的平衡来培养学生, laboratory practice and hands-on skill development.

    如果你正在寻找通过牙科职业教育发展你的机会, medical or healthcare fields, then FORTIS College in 兰 is the place for you. Call today to learn more about getting started on your educational journey to a new career.

    * 下面列出的课程可以获得证书或副学士学位


    If you enjoy touching people’s lives, making a positive impact on friends and family, 热爱与社区和有需要的人一起工作——医疗保健事业肯定会给你带来很大的满足感. 医疗技术欧博app涵盖了一系列的技能, FORTIS可以让您走上通往完美职业生涯的正确道路.


    Licensure and Certification

    以下课程可能需要执照或认证才能获得就业. 请找到您感兴趣的课程,以确定该课程是否符合您所在州的执照或认证的教育要求.
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